

4298 SHIZUKA KOMURO, the Brand for Women Who Live the Life of Today

If you want to live your life of today as an adult woman in a sophisticated and graceful way, then
4298 SHIZUKA KOMURO is the brand for you. With its beautiful and innovative designs, born
of Shizuka Komuro's unique talent, 4298 SHIZUKA KOMURO has a deep understanding of fashion,
combined with an innate ability to show the female form at its most attractive. We strive to achieve
the best quality and originality of materials, sewing technique, colors, and accessories so that you
can express your own style simply by wearing our garments.

Both career and private life matter to today's woman. Shizuka Komuro and all our staffs hope
that you always have a wonderful time whatever you are doing. Over 6,000 kinds of original lace
and numerous delicate colors have created the unique world of 4298 SHIZUKA KOMURO.
Comfort and ease of wear are the most important factors for 4298 SHIZUKA KOMURO and
naturally this applies to all the articles designed by Shizuka Komuro. Layering one of her garments
over another can create a perfect new look.
今を生きる女性たちへ贈るブランド 4298 SHIZUKA KOMURO

大人の女性として「今」を生きたい、こだわりと品格のあるスタイルで…。「4298 SIZUKA KOMURO」はそう考える女
性のために贈るブランドです。小室しづか ならではのフォルムの美しさ、デザインで重ね、着こなしで重ねるコーディネート。

大人の女性として仕事もプライベートも大切にしてほしい。輝き溢れる時間を過ごしてほしい。小室しづか を始めスタッフ
微妙な色合いがおち感を際立たせ、「4298 SHIZUKA KOMURO」だけの世界観を表現してくれます。小室しづか